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      Having witnessed his junkie father killed Russell Stevens grows up to become a policeman and make a difference. When he is offered an undercover job by Gerald Carver he accepts and begins to build a relationship with David Jason in order to get to the main dealers. However as he is forced to deal drugs and kill to keep his cover he finds the lines between cop and criminal being lost – is he a cop pretending to be a dealer or a dealer pretending to be a cop?  Larry (as he was then) Fishburne's first lead role was a typically dark vehicle. The story is the usual one of cop losing himself when undercover, however it manages to be more than that for most of the time. Co-written by Tolkin, who wrote The Player, this naturally has a nice cynical edge to it when it looks at the US's hypocritical approach to drug control and the political links between the street hustlers and the political high rollers who court respectability. The story does eventually settle into a traditional setting but even then it works well as a thriller.  The multi-talented Bill Duke directs well with a gritty feel and a few nice touches. However several things are a bit iffy. For most of the film Fishburne's narration/voice over is a bit like a cross between Apocalypse Now and Blade Runner – it comes across as a little too dark and heavy and also explains things like we can't figure it out ourselves. However once you get into the film it's not as big a deal. My main problem lies with the characters.  Fishburne is excellent, a real model of underlying anger and violence, Goldblum is good but perhaps a little OTT on the yuppie/violence thing, but there's good support from Smith and Spin City's beautiful (and often underused – but not here) Victoria Dillard. However the two main white characters (Goldblum and Smith) are both smeared with racist insinuations – Smith appears to insult his black officers and doesn't care about the junkies, while Goldblum is fascinated about all things black and talks about them as wild beautiful beasts and loves having sex with "black'. These things aren't a major problem, but with basically only two white characters in it, it's a little worrying that both are given that edge.  However these are minor complaints that get lost with a good thriller. Fishburne excels and Duke delivers a story that is a good thriller but also has a jaded, subversive edge.


    • 6.0 HD中字 大盗独行 詹姆斯·肯恩,塔斯黛·韦尔德,威利·纳尔逊,詹姆斯·贝鲁什,罗伯特·普罗斯基,汤姆·西尼奥雷利,丹尼斯·法里纳,Nick Nickeas,W.R. Brown,Norm Tobin,约翰·圣图奇,Gavin MacFadyen,Chuck Adamson,Sam Cirone,Spero Anast,哈尔·弗兰克,德尔克洛斯,布鲁斯·A·扬,约翰·卡普洛斯,威廉·彼德森,内森·戴维斯,玛吉·科特利斯基,迈克尔·保罗·陈
    • 2.0 HD中字 红蝎星 杜夫·龙格尔
    • 1.0 HD国语 镖行天下之神武大炮 周群达,吴晓敏,姜大卫,张智尧,连晋
    • 8.0 HD国语 生死拍档 李雪健,曲雁,江澄
    • 3.0 HD国语 破梦游戏 陈都灵,宋威龙,张宥浩,盖玥希,曹曦文,高圣远,金世佳,吕绍聪,佟大为,苏芒,彭冠英
    • 10.0 HD中字 日月人鱼 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南,卡雅·斯考达里奥,本杰明·沃克,威廉·赫特,瑞切尔·格里菲斯,范冰冰,本·劳埃德-休斯,保罗·爱尔兰,巴勃罗·施瑞博尔,克里斯塔·克拉克,朱莉·安德鲁斯,杰西卡·克拉克,克里斯蒂安·贝德,汤姆·莫顿,卡雅·布洛克萨奇,理查德·阿纳斯塔西奥斯,肖恩·麦克纳马拉

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